The Clean Water Act, Wetlands & Stream Alteration: An Introduction

Presenter: Merritt Frey is River Network's Habitat Program Director, and is based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Merritt brings fifteen years of Clean Water Act experience on the federal and state levels to her position, with a focus on water quality standards, 401 water quality certification, pollution control permits, habitat restoration, drinking source water protection, and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).

This webinar provides introductory-level information about the Clean Water Act's wetland and stream alteration permit program, also known as Section 404. If you are concerned about development and other alteration activities affecting wetlands, streams or lakes in your area, you need to be familiar with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates dredging and filling of wetlands and streams. This webinar covers when a 404 permit is required, what the permit requires, and how you can influence the permitting process. Ms. Frey also briefly reviews the state's role in 404 permitting (401 water quality certification) and how you can engage in that process. Resources for learning more about the Act's 404 program and Ohio's related programs are provided at the end of the webinar.
