Jack Wilbur is a social marketing and marketing research specialist with more than 20 years of experience working as a public information specialist and social marketing consultant. In his work with the State of Utah and the Environmental Protection Agency, Jack has brought his social marketing message to watershed committees throughout the country. For this webinar, Mr. Wilbur will review the basic principles of social marketing and how it has been applied successfully in agricultural watersheds.
Some additional resources related to social marketing:
Jack Wilbur authored an introductory guidebook to social marketing. Download a pdf copy of Getting Your Feet Wet with Social Marketing Guidebook. http://ag.utah.gov/divisions/conservation/documents/GettingYourFeetWet.pdf
USEPA has a publication that covers many aspects of social marketing along with recommendations for engaging communities in environmental issues. Download a pdf copy of Community Culture and the Environment.http://www.epa.gov/care/library/community_culture.pdf
Jack Wilbur has also compiled an extensive list of social marketing resources (websites, books, and videos). Download a copy.