Sunday Creek Watershed Group

Sunday Creek
Perry, Athens, Morgan
Contact Name: 
Michelle Shively
Job Title: 
Watershed Coordinator

19627 Walnut Street, P.O. Box 157

Trimble, OH 45782

(740) 767-2225

The Sunday Creek Watershed Group is committed to restoring and preserving water quality through community interaction, conservation, and education; in pursuit of a healthy ecosystem capable of supporting biodiversity and recreation.

The Sunday Creek Watershed Group encompasses 139 square miles in Perry, Athens, and Morgan Counties.  Our watershed group is sponsored by Rural Action, a membership based, non-profit organization working together to revitalize Appalachian Ohio.  The group began in 1999 by local concerned citizens.  The group currently consists of a coordinator, two AmeriCorps VISTAs, grad students/interns conducting research and local volunteers. There is also a chairperson and a secretary that help organize monthly public meetings, annual dinners, hikes, canoe trips, and other activities. The Sunday Creek Watershed Group operates through EPA 319 implementation grants.

Types of water quality impairment found in Sunday Creek include acid mine drainage, improperly treated wastewater, sedimentation, and illegally dumped trash. Current restoration projects and volunteer opportunities include trash clean ups, tree plantings, and stream bank stabilization projects.

Future acid mine drainage restoration projects include three subsidence (subsidence is a hole created through the collapse of an abandoned coal mine roof) closure projects located in the headwaters of Sunday Creek. Closing these subsidence features will eliminate approximately 170 million gallons of water per year from entering into the deep coal mined area, thus, reducing the generation of acid mine drainage in the deep mines, which then enters Sunday Creek.
