Maumee River, Portage River, Maumee Bay, Western Lake Erie Basin
Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Putnam, Ottawa, Seneca, Wood
Contact Name:
Brad Espen, BS, RS
Job Title:
Director of Environmental Health
Wood County Combined General Health District
1840 E. Gypsy Lane Road
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Bowling Green, OH 43402
The Northwest Ohio Water Quality Workgroup was created in 2007 to increase awareness and obtain a better understanding of the environmental impacts affecting the water quality in Northwest Ohio. Members of the workgroup have extensive and diverse science backgrounds and represent local and state government, academia, environmental organizations and concerned citizens. The workgroup has been successful in obtaining several grants, including on which utilized DNA microbial source tracking markers for assessing fecal contamination in the Portage River watershed. (USGS Scientific Investigation Report 2010-5036). Other ongoing research projects include analysis of the impact of CAFO manure application on water quality in Wood County by local monitoring of a key water quality parameters including E. coli, dissolved reactive phosphorus, nitrate, and ammonia. The workgroup meets quarterly or more frequently if needed.