Great Lakes National Program Office
77 W. Jackson Blvd. G-17J
Chicago, IL 60604
The Lake Erie LaMP Management Plan is a bi-nationally driven process, stemming from the U.S./Canadian Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. As such, it is not a watershed group per se (no HUC of which I am aware); rather, the LaMP document was created by a binational workgroup that meets quarterly and is in constant contact when management issues affecting the plan arise. The LaMP takes an ecosystem approach and deals with the entire Lake Erie watershed. The purpose of the LaMP is to articultate to the senior management of the respective participant agencies--governmental bodies all-- the need for specific management actions to restore and maintain the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of Lake Erie. In turn, senior management can judicioulsy apply human and financial resources. Figure 2.3 of the April 2004 Lake Erie LaMP document provides the organizational structure of the Lake Erie LaMP process.