Big Creek Connects

Big Creek
Contact Name: 
Bob Gardin
Job Title: 
Executive Director

4352 Pearl Road
Cleveland, OH 44109

(216) 269-6472 (mobile) (216) 661-7706 (office)

Big Creek Connects, formerly Friends of Big Creek, since 2005 has been the watershed stewardship organization for the Big Creek watershed.

Big Creek is the third largest tributary of twelve, of the lower Cuyahoga River. The Big Creek watershed drains nearly 40 square miles as it traverses 12 miles through 7 municipalities; Cleveland, Brooklyn, Lynndale, Parma, Parma Heights, Brook Park, and North Royalton. In 2006, Friends of Big Creek gained funding commitments from the watershed communities leveraging an Ohio Coastal Management Assistance grant to enable the Cuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan to undertake the first phase of a comprehensive watershed management plan. In August of 2007 Friends of Big Creek, Cleveland Metroparks and the cities of Cleveland and Parma, as partners with the City of Brooklyn, were awarded federal funding for a trail alignment study that will examine opportunities for ecological restoration along 3 miles of Big Creek. Big Creek Connects is engaged in numerous educational and outreach efforts through public meetings, hikes, a quarterly newsletter, and a current website.
