Apr 29, 2014 through May 2, 2014, 8:00am - 3:00pm
Stream Functions Pyramid Workshop
There is still time to register.
This 4-day interactive workshop provides participants with a hierarchical framework for assessing stream functions. The workshop format includes lectures, classroom exercises and discussions, and field exercises within walking distance of the classroom. At the completion of this workshop, participants will:
- Understand the theory behind the Stream Functions Pyramid Framework;
- Understand that stream functions are supported by a hierarchical structure that includes hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology, physicochemical, and biology as functional categories;
- Learn the function-based parameters, measurement methods, and performance standards associated with each functional category;
- Apply the Pyramid Framework to develop function-based goals and objectives for a variety of project conditions;
- Apply the Pyramid Framework to develop function-based stream assessments and show functional lift at project sites; and,
- Apply the Pyramid Framework to develop stream debit and credit determination methods for stream mitigation projects or programs.
Who Should Attend?
- Members of Inter-agency Review Teams, In-Lieu Fee Providers and Mitigation Bankers
- Federal, State and Local Agencies with stream restoration/mitigation responsibilities
- Stream restoration practitioners
A hard copy of A Function-Based Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration Projects will be provided to each participant.
Contact Information:
Will Harman
Stream Mechanics